Catalog of equipment for heating systems

Circulation pumps
Twin pumps
Inline pumps
Monoblock pumps
Compact heat meters
Heat meters
Water meters
Control valves thhreaded
Control valves flanged
3 way control valves
Electric actuators
Self-acting temperature controllers
Balancing valves
Differential pressure controllers
Pressure reduction controllers
Pressure relief controllers
Flow controllers
Pressure reduction valves
Auto bypass valves
Safety valves
Check valves flanged
Check valves wafer
Check valves threaded
Y Strainers flanged
Y Strainers threaded
Ball valves flanged
Ball valves welded
Ball valves threaded
Gate valves
Butterfly valves
Globe valves threaded
Globe valves flanged
Buffer storage tanks
Hot water heaters (DHW)
Pressure tanks
Expansion tanks
Solid fuel boilers
District heating substations
Plate heat exchangers
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